Are you in search of the perfect online learning platform?

Navigating the vast expanse of digital education can be overwhelming. With numerous choices at your disposal, identifying the ideal match can prove to be quite a task.

Introducing Skool.

This is a novel platform with the goal of reshaping the landscape of online education and community interaction. With its contemporary design and array of features, Skool ensures a smooth and enjoyable learning experience.

In this review, we will delve into the offerings of Skool. From its features to pricing, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview.

Are you ready to find out if is poised to be your next educational hub?

What is Skool?

Skool is a comprehensive community and course hosting platform founded by Sam Ovens in 2019. It is crafted to assist creators in establishing and expanding their online communities by offering a diverse array of features for content management and monetization.

With Skool, users can effortlessly create and market their online courses, foster interaction within their community, and oversee subscriptions—all within a single platform. The user-friendly interface enhances the ease with which creators can handle their content, while community members can readily access it.

A distinctive aspect of Skool is its gamified learning system, which incentivizes progress by rewarding users with points and badges upon task completion and reaching milestones. This feature serves to sustain user engagement and motivation throughout the learning journey.

Skool provides a suite of tools for content monetization, encompassing subscription management, payment processing, and the creation of landing pages. The platform further furnishes comprehensive analytics, enabling creators to monitor their progress and optimize content for optimal engagement.

As a robust platform, Skool equips creators with all the essential tools to construct and nurture their online communities. Whether one is a course creator, blogger, or content marketer, Skool stands out as the ideal platform to elevate content to new heights.

Skool Features

Community Engagement

Skool’s platform is specifically crafted for dynamic group discussions. It facilitates the exchange of posts, comments, categories, likes, mentions, photos, videos, GIFs, polls, and real-time interactions, ensuring a lively and involved community.

Integrated Classroom

Skool seamlessly blends courses with the community environment. It incorporates modules, videos, resources, searchable transcripts, and progress tracking, all aimed at enhancing course completion rates.

Event Calendar

Skool’s calendar simplifies the scheduling and viewing of group events. With automatic time zone adjustments and reminder emails, it strives to improve event attendance.


Infuse an element of fun into your group with Skool’s gamification features. Customizable points, levels, and rewards allow you to incentivize engagement, including unlocking courses at higher levels.

Email Broadcasts

Effortlessly communicate with your members. Skool enables you to broadcast emails to all members with a single click, eliminating the need for complex email setups.

Chat & Notifications

Engage with members through chat, follow captivating posts, receive in-app and email notifications, and tailor your preferences. Skool provides a unified profile for all group memberships.

Unified Search

Skool’s search functionality enables you to discover posts, comments, course content, and members using a single search box, streamlining content discovery.

Metrics Dashboard

Stay informed about your community’s health. Skool offers key metrics to monitor growth, engagement, and progress at both the group and member levels.

Benefits of Using Skool

Here are some advantages you can experience when using Skool:

For Creators

Simple course creation and management: Skool facilitates creators in effortlessly developing and overseeing courses. The platform provides a drag-and-drop course builder for quick and easy course creation.

Content management and student tracking: Skool also serves as a tool for managing course content, enrolling students, and monitoring their progress.

Robust community features: Skool incorporates various community features to enable creators to interact with their audience and cultivate a dedicated following. Discussion forums, live events, and gamification options are available to keep community members engaged and motivated.

Integrated payment processing: Skool seamlessly integrates with popular payment processors such as PayPal and Stripe, simplifying the process of monetizing courses and communities.

For Community Members

Ad-free experience: Skool provides a distraction-free learning environment for community members by ensuring an ad-free experience, allowing them to focus on learning and engaging with the community.

User-friendly navigation: Skool is designed with a user-friendly interface, making it easy for community members to navigate and locate the content they seek.

Engaging community features: Skool offers a range of community features for members to interact with one another and the creator. Participation in discussion forums, attendance at live events, and the opportunity to earn rewards for community activity are among the engaging options available.

Skool Pricing

Skool adopts a straightforward and transparent approach to its pricing:

  • Cost: $99/month
  • Groups: 1 group per subscription
  • Features: Access to all Skool features
  • Courses: Unlimited courses can be hosted
  • Members: Unlimited members can join

For those keen on trying out the platform, Skool offers a 14-day free trial. You have the flexibility to cancel anytime during this trial period without any obligations.

This uncomplicated pricing ensures users receive maximum value without any hidden costs.

Comparing Skool to Other Platforms

When considering community platforms, Skool is not the sole option available. Here’s a brief comparison of Skool with two other popular platforms: Patreon and Discord.

Skool vs Patreon

Patreon is another community platform that focuses on assisting creators in monetizing their content. However, there are notable differences between Patreon and Skool:

  • Pricing: Skool charges a flat monthly fee of $99, whereas Patreon deducts a percentage from your earnings, ranging from 5% to 12% depending on the type of content.
  • Features: Skool provides a diverse set of features, including course hosting and community management. In contrast, Patreon primarily facilitates recurring payments for creators from their fans.
  • Community: Although both platforms aim to help creators establish communities around their content, Skool’s emphasis on education and community management distinguishes it from Patreon.

Skool vs Discord

Discord is a widely-used chat platform that many creators utilize to foster communities around their content. Here’s how Skool compares to Discord:

  • Purpose: Discord serves primarily as a chat platform, while Skool is specifically designed for creators seeking to build and manage communities around their content.
  • Features: Skool offers a broad spectrum of features, including course hosting and community management, whereas Discord is primarily focused on providing a chat platform for communities.
  • Ease of use: Both platforms are relatively user-friendly, but Skool’s interface is tailored specifically for creators, incorporating a variety of tools to facilitate community management.

While Patreon and Discord are both excellent platforms, Skool presents a distinctive combination of features that makes it an outstanding choice for creators aiming to build and manage communities around their content.

Skool Pros and Cons

Skool Pros:

  • Strong community features.
  • Intuitive classroom layout.
  • Efficient calendar integration.
  • Engaging gamification.
  • Direct user messaging.
  • Comprehensive mobile app.
  • Easy content search.
  • Insightful analytics.

Skool Cons:

  • Currently lacks native video hosting for courses (anticipated by the end of 2023).
  • Absence of quizzes and resource uploading features.
  • No built-in funnel builder, necessitating external website hosting for sales funnels.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

In summary, Skool stands out as a pioneering online platform designed to simplify the management of online communities and content hosting for course creators, coaches, influencers, and entrepreneurs.

The platform offers a distinctive array of features tailored for community-centric programs, ensuring an exceptional user experience that is easily navigable.

A notable aspect of Skool is its capacity to integrate diverse community-building tools, establishing itself as an all-encompassing platform for seamless online presence management.

In conclusion, for those seeking a platform to develop online courses and foster a robust community, Skool is unquestionably a viable and worthwhile option to explore.

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