There are various means of communication, including text, phone, email, chat, and more. However, these methods lack the visual element of seeing the person on the other end.

Tolstoy offers a solution by enabling communication through videos, providing a more engaging approach. This platform facilitates easy creation of interactive videos, allowing you to enhance communication with your leads, students, customers, and more.

In this Tolstoy review, we will explore how this platform empowers you to utilize interactive videos for more effective communication.

What is Tolstoy?

Tolstoy represents an innovative conversational marketing software that revolutionizes communication through interactive videos. This versatile tool serves various purposes, including video prospecting, talent screening, and video chat assistance. With Tolstoy, there’s no need for coding; simply click to embed it on your website for an immediate boost in interaction.

Boasting a wide range of features, Tolstoy’s straightforward and user-friendly interactive video platform guides viewers to the most relevant content, enhancing engagement and prompting action. Feedback from users comes in various forms, including selections, text and video messages, contact information, and more. This allows you to gain valuable insights into your market and personalize your messaging with each response.

One standout feature of Tolstoy is its seamless integrations with your existing toolkit. It effortlessly connects with the marketing tools and processes you already use, ensuring that responses and data can be seamlessly forwarded to your current CRM, email marketing program, and other operational platforms through thousands of available integrations.

Take advantage of the widget on your website, enabling visitors to select the topics they are interested in learning more about, fostering engagement and generating more leads. Tolstoy is a powerful and user-friendly solution that elevates interactive video communication to new heights.

How To Get Started With Tolstoy

How to create a one-step Tolstoy

Firstly, ensure you’ve completed the sign-up process, which I assume you’ve already done.

Now, you have the option to select a pre-made Tolstoy or craft your own.

You can record your screen, upload a video file, or pick a video clip from your existing library.

To create your personalized Tolstoy, click on the ‘record video’ option, granting access to your camera and microphone when prompted.

Once permission is granted, record your video. You can proceed with it or cancel to re-record.

After finalizing the video, it’s time to enhance it by adding text, questions, and interactive choices for your viewers.

Choose the type of actions triggered by viewer choices. Utilize ‘Next step’ to guide users through your Tolstoy or ‘Free text’ for them to input responses.

Opt for ‘Lead form’ to gather viewer details like email addresses and names.

If you wish to receive video or audio responses from users, select ‘Video response’ or ‘Audio response’.

Explore additional features like setting a meeting time through the ‘Calendar’ option, redirecting users to a link, or initiating a live chat using ‘Link’ or ‘Chat’.

Once you’ve crafted your video, added questions, choices, and corresponding actions, click ‘Create Tolstoy’, and it will be ready for sharing.

How to create a multi-step Tolstoy

To gather comprehensive user information, it is essential to construct a multi-step Tolstoy on the platform.

Following the initial creation of your Tolstoy using the aforementioned method, proceed by clicking on ‘Add new part.’

You’ll encounter identical options for recording, uploading, and incorporating choices for as many parts as necessary.

Establish links between various parts to enable users to navigate freely to their chosen sections.

Upon completing the branching between different video parts or Tolstoys, you are ready to publish your creation, ensuring a user-friendly experience.

Tolstoy Use Cases

Tolstoy for Outreach

Elevate your cold email game with Tolstoy! Wondering how many responses you’re getting or what your open rate is? Well, here’s a solution to enhance your open rate – personalized video messages.

Effortlessly create short, scalable videos and send multi-step branched videos to educate your leads, providing a deeper understanding of your products or services.

Share screen recordings to visually guide potential clients and enable them to easily book a meeting directly from your video. For those uninterested in meetings, allow responses through text, audio, video, or instant conversations.

Tolstoy for Marketing & Sales

Efficiently explain your products in seconds and gather qualified leads with Tolstoy.

Generate a personalized demo and embed it on your website, establishing an automated workflow for lead generation. Seamlessly integrate Tolstoy with your help desk and other tools in your stack.

Warm up your leads, schedule more meetings, and enhance your sales funnels by incorporating Tolstoy into your emails, LinkedIn messages, or landing pages.

Tolstoy for Video Support & Customer Support

Transform customer support with video chatbots on your app or website.

Answer inquiries with selfie videos for a personal touch. For complex technical questions, guide users with screen recordings. Reuse popular answers with macros and manage conversations directly from your inbox.

Tolstoy automatically transcribes videos, facilitating quick searches across questions and answers.

Tolstoy for Recruiting

Tolstoy serves as an interactive video platform for talent acquisition teams to attract and hire the right candidates.

Companies can elucidate roles, introduce teams, and showcase work culture effectively. Particularly beneficial for hiring remote employees, Tolstoy personalizes the hiring process, improves candidate experience with on-demand video interviews, keeps candidates engaged, and facilitates proper evaluations.

Integrate Tolstoy with your applicant tracking software to streamline hiring data.

Tolstoy for Learning & Development

Train your employees with interactive video lessons and quizzes.

Break down complex topics into short videos with personalized questions and paths. Track viewers’ progress and allow them to ask questions at any point in a Tolstoy video.

Tolstoy for E-Commerce

Create a shoppable Tolstoy to complete the buyer’s journey within the video.

Showcase your brand’s uniqueness, vision, mission, and story using Tolstoy, embedding them in emails, newsletters, SMS, etc. Enable customers to ask questions through video or audio.

Curate product pages with eye-catching product videos, boost sales with shoppable quizzes, and collect video reviews to enhance your brand’s authority.

Tolstoy for Product Education & Engagement

Empower Tolstoy as a 24/7 customer success manager within your app to boost engagement.

Guide and educate users with authentic video messages from real people to build stronger relationships. Increase customer satisfaction and activation rates by incorporating relevant video messages throughout the onboarding flow using pop-ups.

Utilize rules and triggers to show the right messages to individuals at the proper time. Announce new features, explain pricing, and create short Tolstoy videos for each feature instead of lengthy demos.

Enable customers to ask questions, book meetings, or respond in their preferred way.

Tolstoy for Synthetic Video

Explore various use cases for synthetic videos, including video chatbots, product walkthroughs, or personalized customer success videos.

Use Synthesia for pre-recorded AI videos or integrate Tolstoy with Colossian to include real people in your videos.

With numerous use cases, Tolstoy proves to be an interactive video platform to boost your revenue – a must-try for your products or services!

Pricing Of Tolstoy

Tolstoy provides a complimentary plan allowing users to generate 10 Tolstoys, each with a recording length of 5 minutes and comprising 5 parts.

For those opting for the Pro plan at $19 per creator per month, unlimited Tolstoys can be created, each with a recording length of 15 minutes and up to 30 video steps. This plan also includes 5000 views per month, with an extra charge of $10 for every additional 1000 views.

The Business plan, priced at $299/month, offers 50000 monthly views, with an additional fee of $5/1000 views. It comes with features similar to the Pro plan.

For unlimited access, dedicated CMS, Salesforce integration, and other advanced features, the Enterprise plan is available, and interested individuals need to reach out to them directly.

Pros and Cons of Tolstoy


  • Interactive Video Platform: Tolstoy’s interactive video platform is perceived as a distinctive and remarkable feature by users. It facilitates the creation of concise videos that guide customers to specific pages on their website, offering a user-friendly solution for small businesses aiming to enhance connections with their clientele. Numerous reviewers have commended this feature for its effectiveness in addressing navigation issues and crafting personalized pathways.
  • Clean UI/UX Design: Users express admiration for Tolstoy’s clean and sleek UI/UX design. Some reviewers find it unintrusive and beneficial for facilitating personal conversations at any time and from any location. They appreciate its contribution to making their website interactive, enabling effortless creation of various custom templates.
  • Excellent Service: Tolstoy’s global team receives praise from users for delivering exceptional service that instills confidence in the tool’s ongoing utility. Many reviewers are eager about the tool’s future development, considering it already impressive. The combination of user-friendly features and personalized conversation delivery has left a positive impression on numerous users.


  • Subpar Customer Support: Several users have voiced discontent with the customer support offered by Tolstoy, albeit without specifying particular instances. Addressing these concerns and enhancing customer service processes could prove advantageous for the company.
  • Challenges with Domain Integration: Reviewers reported encountering domain issues when embedding Tolstoy’s code into their websites. Offering a more comprehensive FAQ or documentation page could assist users in navigating and resolving such problems.
  • Affordability of Interactive Features: The pricing of interactive features emerged as a point of concern for some users. While larger enterprises might find it within budget, smaller businesses could face difficulties justifying the associated expenses.

Final Thought

In short, the article above has provided you with complete information about Tolstoy. Hopefully our sharing above will help a little with your work.

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